Lake Orion United Methodist Church: Phased Re-Opening
Sunday Programing for Children and Youth Begining September 2021:
In an effort to keep our children, youth, and volunteer staff safe, LOUMC leadership has decided to follow recommendations from the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and the Michigan Department of Education and require all who are participating in children and youth programming wear masks to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. Our hope is to continue to provide in-person programming for as long as possible by using mitigation strategies such as masks, providing adequate ventilation, social distancing and by limiting shared materials. We are committed to providing quality programming in a safe environment for our LOUMC children and youth and look forward to an exciting year!
With these guidlines in mind, changes are being made to our program which we feel can minimize the chance of virus exposure during our programming for both the children and volunteers committed to serving in Family Ministries.
We are excited to roll out the Family Experience (FX)! FX is an engaging, live program in our Fellowship Hall which will replace our weekly Sunday Programming for Pre-Kindergarten (4 years) through 5th grade children AND their parents or guardians. This program is where parents and kids experience music, laughter, and fun teaching about the character of God TOGETHER. Since this is a family experience, parents can choose to have their younger (6 weeks – 3 years) join them OR go to the nursery.
Why are we doing FX instead of traditional Sunday programming at this time?
The FX program will allow us to have each family sit at their own table (distance), use their own materials (limit the sharing of crayons, scissors, etc.), and reduce the exposure of Covid-19 to children and adult volunteers at this time while Oakland County is considered at HIGH spread. We felt this is the best option for the children to have in-person programming since our main service is recorded and accessible to parents at any time during the week. While for some of the parents the format is not ideal, please keep in mind that it is a temporary situation. For others, they may find this new format helps them to equip them to engage in spiritual conversations with their child. If you are hesitant at all, give it a try!
In an effort to keep our children, youth, and volunteer staff safe, LOUMC leadership has decided to follow recommendations from the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and the Michigan Department of Education and require all who are participating in children and youth programming wear masks to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. Our hope is to continue to provide in-person programming for as long as possible by using mitigation strategies such as masks, providing adequate ventilation, social distancing and by limiting shared materials. We are committed to providing quality programming in a safe environment for our LOUMC children and youth and look forward to an exciting year!
With these guidlines in mind, changes are being made to our program which we feel can minimize the chance of virus exposure during our programming for both the children and volunteers committed to serving in Family Ministries.
We are excited to roll out the Family Experience (FX)! FX is an engaging, live program in our Fellowship Hall which will replace our weekly Sunday Programming for Pre-Kindergarten (4 years) through 5th grade children AND their parents or guardians. This program is where parents and kids experience music, laughter, and fun teaching about the character of God TOGETHER. Since this is a family experience, parents can choose to have their younger (6 weeks – 3 years) join them OR go to the nursery.
Why are we doing FX instead of traditional Sunday programming at this time?
The FX program will allow us to have each family sit at their own table (distance), use their own materials (limit the sharing of crayons, scissors, etc.), and reduce the exposure of Covid-19 to children and adult volunteers at this time while Oakland County is considered at HIGH spread. We felt this is the best option for the children to have in-person programming since our main service is recorded and accessible to parents at any time during the week. While for some of the parents the format is not ideal, please keep in mind that it is a temporary situation. For others, they may find this new format helps them to equip them to engage in spiritual conversations with their child. If you are hesitant at all, give it a try!
The COVID Response/In-Person Worship Team has made the following decisions effective June 20, 2021 regarding in-person worship:
1. Masks are optional, though still encouraged for unvaccinated and immuno-compromised individuals.
2. Registrations for those entering the building during the week will no longer be required.
3. No printed bulletins to be provided. For those who want to print their own, the order of worship will still be included in the weekly email and posted on the church Facebook page.
4. Fellowship pads re-introduced in the pews as a replacement for the connection cards previously in the bulletin.
5. Green Cards (prayer cards) re-introduced to the pews. Ushers will collect them during the first hymn.
6. Offering boxes continue to be used for collections. Your offering is greatly appreciated and continues the ministries of our church.
*Just as a reminder, children and youth are welcome to worship with their families in the sanctuary. There is no nursery available at this time.
1. Masks are optional, though still encouraged for unvaccinated and immuno-compromised individuals.
2. Registrations for those entering the building during the week will no longer be required.
3. No printed bulletins to be provided. For those who want to print their own, the order of worship will still be included in the weekly email and posted on the church Facebook page.
4. Fellowship pads re-introduced in the pews as a replacement for the connection cards previously in the bulletin.
5. Green Cards (prayer cards) re-introduced to the pews. Ushers will collect them during the first hymn.
6. Offering boxes continue to be used for collections. Your offering is greatly appreciated and continues the ministries of our church.
*Just as a reminder, children and youth are welcome to worship with their families in the sanctuary. There is no nursery available at this time.
Phase 1 & 2 - Uncontrolled Growth & Persistent Spread
- Guidance from MI Safe Start Plan: All persons shelter at home, essential work only.
- Worship - Online worship only.
- Small groups and meetings - online only.
- Family ministry programming - online only.
- Building/Office - closed. Staff works at home with only essential functions on-site.
- Mission - essential only and employing physical distancing, safety protocols and mask.
- Funerals - zoom presence with family at funeral home.
- Weddings - postponed.
- Baptisms - postponed.
Phase 3 - Flattening
- Guidance from MI Safe Start Plan: Continued physical distancing (6 ft.), face coverings, no gatherings, vulnerable persons continue to shelter at home.
- Worship - Online worship only.
- Small groups and meetings - online only.
- Family ministry programming - online only.
- Building/Office - closed. Staff works at home with only essential functions on-site.
- Mission - essential only and employing physical distancing, safety protocols and mask.
- Funerals - zoom presence with family at funeral home. At gravesite, ten or less, physical distancing, face coverings.
- Weddings - Outdoors with ten or less, physical distancing, face coverings.
- Baptisms - Outdoors with ten or less, physical distancing, face coverings.
Phase 4 - Improving
- Guidance from MI Safe Start Plan: Continued physical distancing (6 ft.), face coverings, small gatherings inside (up to ten), larger groups outside (up to one hundred); vulnerable persons continue to shelter at home.
- Worship - online worship only.
- Small groups and meetings - Online. Outdoors to include physical distancing and face coverings. Small groups (under ten) in specified meeting rooms calendared through Senior Pastor and consultation with staff, physical distancing and face coverings.
- Family ministry programming - Online. Outdoors to include physical distancing, face coverings.
- Building/Office - Limited hours and access to building. Staff works primarily from home. Physical distancing and face coverings in all public spaces and group interactions.
- Mission - Outdoors (one hundred or less), physical distancing, face coverings. Indoors (ten or less), physical distancing, face coverings.
- Funerals - Clergy present with family at funeral home or church (ten or less), physical distancing, face coverings.
- Weddings - Inside, small groups (ten or less), physical distancing, face coverings. Outside (one hundred or less), physical distancing, face coverings.
- Baptisms - Inside, small groups (ten or less), physical distancing, face coverings; live streamed or recorded for additional attendees. Outside (one hundred or less), physical distancing, face coverings.
Phase 5 - Containing ***Current Phase***
- Guidance from MI Safe Start Plan - Continued physical distancing (6 ft.), face coverings, increased gathering sizes inside to fifty and outside to two hundred fifty; vulnerable persons continue to shelter at home.
- Worship - Effective June 6, 2021 the limits on in-person worship is discontinued. Registration is no longer required and our pews will be open to those who chose to join our service. Masks are still required and we have masks on site for those who do not have one.
- Small groups and meetings - Online. Options for in-person (in building or offsite), physical distancing, face coverings.
- Family ministry programming - Online. Option for in-person (in-building or off-site), physical distancing, face coverings. Decision based upon volunteer availability.
- Building/Office - Limited hours and access to building. Staff works from home as needed. Recovery and community groups with strict guidelines. Physical distancing and face coverings in all public spaces and group interactions.
- Mission - Outdoors, physical distancing, face coverings. Indoors, physical distancing, safety protocols, and face coverings.
- Funerals - In church building or other venue with limited capacity, physical distancing, and face coverings; live streamed or recorded for additional attendees. No funeral luncheons.
- Weddings - In church building or other venue with limited capacity, physical distancing, and face coverings; live streamed or recorded for additional attendees.
- Baptisms - In church building or other venue with limited capacity, physical distancing, and face coverings; live streamed or recorded for additional attendees.
Phase 6 - Post-Pandemic
- Guidance from MI Safe Start Plan - Enough community immunity and treatment availability. Events and gatherings of all sizes with new safety guidance and procedures.
- Worship - Online worship continues to be available. Indoor worship with new safety guidelines and procedures.
- Small groups and meetings - Online options continue. In-person with new safety guidelines and procedures.
- Family ministry programming - Online options continue. In-person with new safety guidelines and procedures.
- Building/Office - Expanded office and building hours. New safety guidance and procedures in place.
- Mission - In-person with new safety guidance and procedures.
- Funerals - In-person with new safety guidelines and procedures.
- Weddings - In-person with new safety procedures.
- Baptisms - In-person with new safety procedures.